Thursday 24 March 2011

How To Attract Women Advice : Pheromones How They Work

The word "pheromone" is derived from the Greek "pherein", which means to carry, and hormon, which means to excite. Thus, pheromones can be described as an inter-body hormone, or a chemical that transmits a message between bodies. These messages are detected by other individuals which may or may not be of the same species, and usually signal  sexual arousal  and sexual excitement  with an individual who is sending the signal. A more specific example of this is the reported altering of the phase of the menstrual cycle of women who live in close proximity, which has been linked to certain pheromones.males may produce pheromones that serve as aphrodisiacs. Mantispids are small predaceous insects that resemble miniature praying mantids. Courtship behavior is elaborate because the male must convince the female that he is a potential mate rather than an easy meal. The male produces a sweet musklike substance from his abdomen that helps to appease the female and reduce her predatory instincts.Imagine an invisible, undetectable force that's powerful enough to override your sense of reason yet draws you to someone with an almost animal passion. These aren't Cupid's mythological arrows, but real shots of human pheromones. Scientists have been researching for years whether or not humans, like other animals, exude these secret scents, with attention focused on a small organ composed of two small pits a few centimeters up the nose.

1 comment:

  1. Thats some quality basics there, already know some of that, but you can always learn more. I doubt a “kid” could put together such information as dolphin278 suggested. Maybe he's just attempting to be “controversial? lol How To Make Money On The Internet
